So whats next?

Zindar55 here explaining our plans for our only current project Become High King of Skyrim V2 which is to come out with version 7.5 beta. This will be our first beta build since I was recruited on the project. 

Highreach Island World Space in the Works
The beta is going to contain a bunch of tweaks to the High Reach city as will as a giant leap towards setting the city up to get an external overhaul as requested by many users on the nexus. Our goal is to have a fully external outer city walls as seen in other city's scattered across Skyrim like Whiterun, Solitude, Winterhold etc... This is a huge expansion for such a small team, so please remain patient as we work away at it. Also in the mean time there will be more small updates which will contain bug fixes for the newest version 7.4a as they pop up. There are bound to be a few as I messed with some of the quests which can result in scripts not loading properly.

Why so many bugs in V2?
The reason for the lack of bug fixes and more bugs cropping up are because our team is not currently as knowledgeable in all fields of modding. The field we have the least experience in is scripting. I am myself currently learning papyrus, the code used to write game logic in Skyrim. This means bugs are a nightmare to fix as for the most part we have no clue where to start, but as I learn more I can rebuild the scripts so that they function properly.

Is Infinium Studios moving on to Fallout 4
We are thinking of expanding into fallout 4, as well as continuing to update our Skyrim mods. Its hard to say what kind of mod we might make for Fallout 4 as it still currently not released. The plan is to assess the assets that are in Fallout 4 and get some ideas on possible mod ideas. After that we wait for the tools to launch.

Also note that since I am going to be playing Fallout 4 and maintaining my Youtube channel, growth on Become High King V2 will be stunted for a little while. There should be an update sometime this month. Also just remember we all have lives and right now I am the only current team member working on this project so please be patient while I work through getting my things in order before continuing the work on High King V2.

~ Zindar55 Infinium Studio's Founder/Dev


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