
Showing posts from November, 2016

High King for Special Edition [UPDATE]

As promised here is a follow up of the previous post addressing user’s questions on High King for SSE. After some research into what the true requirements are I discovered Become High King requires both SKSE, and SkyUI in order to function. That being said, until SKSE and SkyUI is released for SSE on PC it won't be High King won't be released on SSE for the time being. As for consoles High King will not be coming to PS4, too many custom assets are used to make the mod work properly. In fact, the only thing I could port over to PS4 is NPC's and locations that would be it, as PS4 supports no custom scripts. As for XboxOne our plan is to first release on PC, after finishing updating our current build, by that time SKSE for sure and possible SkyUI would be out to then make the port happen. More details will be released as to what that means for the original Skyrim's High King V2 when the time comes. I hope I cleared up most of the questions and concerns on the matter. I w...

High King for Special Edition?

Many are wondering if Become High King V2 will be coming to Skyrim Special Edition, and the answer is eventually. The reason is the mod is not the most stable mod out there and because of this needs major scripting overhauls. On special edition all the scripts would be redone and redone without SKSE which would take some features aways or limit what the mod has offered from the start. In short High King for Special Edition is being explored, if its possible I will follow up this post with further info. ~ Zindar55 Infinium Studio's Co-Founder/Dev